About Me

I am Kimberly Chan, a professional with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. I hold certifications in various fields, including Human Resources, Finance, Law, Leadership, Industrial Relations, Health & Safety, Public Relations, Psychology, Risk Management, and Marketing. It’s safe to say I enjoy exploring diverse avenues of learning and growth.

I’ve also had the honor of lecturing on topics such as Sales & Marketing, Entrepreneurship, HR, and Supervisory Management. These experiences have enriched my perspective and skill set.

My commitment to excellence extends beyond the workplace, as I actively participate in numerous academic, professional, and volunteer institutions.

Furthermore, I’ve been elected to the Board of Directors of the Human Resource Management Association of Trinidad and Tobago, where I serve as the Education Officer. In this role, I oversee critical areas such as Training & Development, Youth Action, Research, and SHRM. It aligns perfectly with my passion for education and youth development.

My professional journey has taken me through various sectors, from oil & gas to retail, manufacturing, education, and financial services.