HRMATT’s Year in Review

Written by

Kimberly Chan

Published on

December 23, 2023

As the New Year is approaching, we want to take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt greetings for the season and to thank everyone for all their efforts throughout the year. The success of our network is built on the efforts of our volunteers and our Members – so thank you all. The Board of Directors of the Human Resource Management Association of Trinidad & Tobago (HRMATT), take this opportunity to extend Christmas greetings to you, our members, students, sponsors, stakeholders, volunteers, media & event partners, awardees and friends.

2023 has been a great year where we achieved many accomplishments together including:

  • Two instalments of C-Suite Conversations
  • HRMATT Biennial Conference – HR into the Metaverse
  • Post Conference events
  • HRMATT Legacy Awards and Gala Dinner
  • Multiple Have Your Say and Advocacy sessions
  • Education Programmes (Webinars and Certificate awarded sessions)
  • One of our largest cohorts of SHRM CP & SCP students.
  • HRMATT Blueprint Series
  • Three Mix & Mingles
  • Attending our post-conference events
  • The launch of our Wellness Hub at the Jingle & Mingle event in collaboration with our partner Patient Connect

We are ever grateful to our dedicated volunteers who support our events, booths and programmes, giving of their time willingly and dedicating their service to our Association.

Our sincere thanks to The Honourable Stephen Mc Clashie, Minister of Labour and his Ministry for their commitment and support to HRMATT in all our ventures. In 2023 we were invited to support several committees and matters of national importance that influences the HR landscape. Special mention is necessary to the Ministry of Labour, HIV Advocacy Unit for partnering with HRMATT as we continue to educate the key decision makers and leaders across industries and foster a culture of equality in the workplace.

Furthermore, HRMATT’s metrics are improving, and we celebrate these notable mentions:

  1. The publication of 52 articles via our HRMATT Says column in the Trinidad Guardian.
  2. Approximately 50 radio interview sessions via our HRMATT Speaks Program on Power 102fm.
  3. Over 30 SHRM students participated in the international course of study.
  4. HRMATT’s delegation to the SHRM Conference in Las Vegas.
  5. 14 Business Leaders participated in our C-Suite Conversations which engaged rich dialogue on Innovation and Digital Transformation.
  6. The attraction of over 15 regional and international guests and speakers at the Biennial Conference.
  7. The introduction of two regional awards at the Legacy Awards.
  8. Collaboration via three Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with the Caribbean Society of Human Resource Professionals (CSHRP), Patient Connect, and Cipriani Labour College.
  9. Six HRMATT Directors & Members in attendance at the Caribbean Society of HR Professionals (CSHRP) LOUD Conference in Antigua.
  10. Representation by HRMATT’s Board of Directors & Members at the DisruptHR Trinidad Edition 1.0
  11. Consultancy opportunities for our member partners.

In 2023, HRMATT also welcomed the addition of new board members. We recognize the contributions and hard work of our past directors and acknowledge the quick adjustments and strides made by our new board members. Our past Board members have positively influenced and shaped the HRMATT story and the current board look forward to continuing the work that begun by our Founders.

We also take this opportunity to remind you to be active members / participants within our network. We have a few new projects for 2024 that require some heavy lifting so we welcome new committee members and subject matters experts. 

Together with the team – Cavelle, Rhonda, Joel, Fana, Allsha, Cindy, Bunny, Desmond, and I offer our best wishes and happiness to you and your families and are looking forward to a successful 2024. We invite everyone to carry the festive spirit of this season into the new year.